Release RMC-06.02
GBS has a few user customisation possibilities.Most are set by the gbssettings command Index Perl Directory (GBS_PERL_PATH)
Name:GBS_PERL_PATHPurpose:Define an specific directory to find the Perl executableTo be used when (the wanted) perl is not in the PATHSpecifies the top-directory of the Perl installation (the directory containing 'bin') Default:Empty (Find Perl via PATH)Where:In Registry (Windows) My Computer → Properties → Advanced → Environment Variablesor ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile Define:
gbssettings command
With the gbssettings command you can set/change:
Site-IDGBS_SITEPurpose:To identify the location where the user worksIt is used in the switch.gbs to cater for different IT infrastructures (e.g. different locations of compilers, network drives, etc) You will only really need it if people work from different site-locations on the same code. A good name is an abbreviation of the town or site. Just make sure it is unique for the future. Keep the name short and in uppercase. Consider using the 3-letter IATA Airport Code of a nearby airport. Default:MAINLogRootGBS_LOG_ROOTPurpose:To define the location of the logfile-directories per SystemGBS_LOG_PATH=$GBS_LOG_ROOT/$GBS_SYSTEM_PARENT Defaults:
HomeGBS_HOME_PATHPurpose:Set the CWD when no current System and Default Root for GBS user directoriesDefault:
BeepsGBS_BEEBSPurpose:To switch the 'beep' on the command-line on or offDefault:
CompanyGenericPurpose:To identify your Company and/or ProjectIt is shown in the login-banner, logfile-banner and in the top of generated HTML-files like gbssilo. You can put any text, even your own name here. Default:My CompanyIgnoresGenericPurpose:TBSDefault:NoneNotifyPer PlatformPurpose:To provide a different default for the --n (notify) option in the gbssys* functionsDefault:
EditorPer PlatformPurpose:Define a text-editor (for gbsedit and gbsmaint 9 ('Owners-file' Maintenance)Defaults:
BrowserPer PlatformPurpose:Define a HTML Browser (for gbshelp and gbsaudit)Defaults:
NavigatorPer PlatformPurpose:Define a program to navigate directory structureUsed by gbsgui Defaults:
ViewerPer PlatformPurpose:Define a text-viewer (for viewing batch log-files)Defaults:
TerminalTERMINALPurpose:Define Terminal settings for when a new Terminal window is openedYou can set:
AdministratorADMINISTRATORPurpose:Define/Remove the current user as Administrator for this SystemAdministrator privilege is required for all changes to the infrastructure. E.g.: create a new component. It is just a token privilege. You will be warned every time you try to do a privileged action. You can always override. This is a safety issue, warning you that you are changing something special for which you probably need permission of the System / Code Architect. Default:
IntegratorINTEGRATORPurpose:Define/Remove the current user as Integrator for this SystemIntegrator privilege is required for the execution of some special functions ad defined in gbsmaint 6:
This is a safety issue, warning you that you are doing something irreversible. Default:
GBS Command Prompt Window (gbscmd.bat / .sh)
You can customize your GBS Command Prompt DOS-box/xterm by placing shell commands in a private
startup file: 'gbscmd.bat / .sh' in your GBS_BASE_PATH directory:Please note the following: