GBS works independently from a Software Configuration Management System (SCMS).
To ensure however, that GBS-managed files and directories are properly added
to the SCMS, GBS provides support for a number of SCMSs:
SCMSs supported
- Git - The stupid content tracker
- SVN - Subversion
Combining an SCMS with GBS
During System creation (swr --new), one of the above (or 'None') may be selected.
If 'None' is selected, you are responsible for the proper handling of all SCMS aspects.
Note that gbsmaint offers a function to check and possibly add GBS-managed
files and directories to the selected SCMS.
How it Fits
Terms Used
REPOSITORY:--SCMS_ROOT------+ +--ext--
\ /
DISK:<-------GBS_SYSTEM_PATH--------------> +--res--
| Repository
| Data
| Data Type
| Informational
| None
| Informational
Create a local repository
- Install TortoiseSVN: A plugin for your Navigator.
- Navigate to the directory where the repository must be created.
- Create a directory with the name of the wanted repository. E.g.: 'MyRepos' (bad name!)
- Navigate into the created folder (empty).
- Right-click on free space and select TortoiseSVN → Create repository here
- Select 'Create folder structure'
- Select 'Start Repobrowser'
- Select 'trunk' in the right window
- Copy the URL to the paste buffer
Create a workspace
- Navigate to the directory where you want to create the workspace (GBS System)
- Create the parent directory for your GBS System workarea (use GBS 'SYSTENAME)
- Right-click on free space and select SVN Checkout...
- Paste the copied URL to 'URL of repository'
- Enter the path of the directory you just created in 'Checkout_directory'
- Click OK
Create GBS System
- Startup the GBS environment (via shortcut on your desktop)
- Enter: gbs
- Navigate (cd) to the created workarea (....../MyRepos)
- Enter: swr --new
- Select 'Use the Current Path (CWD) as System Path (....../MyRepos)'
- Enter the System Name
- Select 'SubVersioN'
- Continue with the instructions in Create a GBS-WA/System
TBS... but somewhat similar to SVN