Release RMC-06.02
DescriptionExample of a owners.gbs Description
The owners.gbs file is located in the GBS_SYS_PATH directory is used to maintains 'owners' of SubSystems
and Components. It has a specific internal structure and editing of the file is done via gbsmaint 9: 'Owners-file' Maintenance Notes:
Example of a owners.gbs:
* UserId Email Phone Owner-Name + uida1179 +31-40-1234567 Paul Lieverse + uida1393 +31-40-1234567 Leon Bouwmeester + uida1473 +31-40-1234567 Datta Inamdar + uida1641 +31-40-1234567 Marcel van der Velden + uida1667 +31-40-1234567 Reinier Kleefman + uida1685 +31-40-1234567 Martin Smits * * SubSystem Component UserId = booter drv_flash uida1641 = booter - uida1641 = booter booter uida1641 = booter i_infolog uida1641 = main - uida1667 = main c_trusted_device_database uida1667 = main test_trace_mgr uida1685 = main most_fb_bluetooth_gateway uida1667 = main drv_iis uida1641 = main i_tracer uida1641 = main i_infolog uida1641 = main test_booter uida1641 = main c_phonebook_manager uida1667 = main a_ec_nr uida1179 = main zzz_comp2 uida1685 = main appl_p2er5 uida1685 = main a_mediarecorder uida1179 = main test_src uida1179 = main a_audiorouter uida1179 = main test_logger uida1641 = main c_bluetooth_phone uida1667 = main hal uida1641 = main base uida1393 = main i_logger uida1641 = main a_speechrecognition_lib uida1179 = main i_xtp uida1641 = main most_fb_speechrecognition uida1179 = main most_fb_linkcontrol uida1179 = main i_rtp uida1641 = main drv_sport uida1641 = main c_bluetooth_transfer_manager uida1667 = main test_autotests uida1473 = main test_most_stack uida1641 = main bsp_bf532dev uida1641 = main i_lifesign uida1641 = main a_speechrecognition uida1179 = main a_ec_nr_lib uida1179 = main i_ffs uida1641 = main h_flash_mgr uida1473 = main a_mediaplayer uida1179 = main most_fb_lifecycle uida1641 = main dq_mgr uida1641 = main zzz_comp1 uida1685 |