Release RMC-06.02
DescriptionExample of a subsys.gbs.bat Description
The subsys.gbs script file is used only for Non-GBS SubSystems, is located in the GBS_SUBSYS_PATH
directory and is used for the building or auditing of these Subsystems. General
Special considerations:
The subsys.gbs file is called:
Environment Variables
Before execution a vast amount of EnvVars is set so you can make your proper selections.Some EnvVars will be dependent on the SubSystem type. Refer to example below. Each GBS_BUILD_type EnvVar contains the Command to execute for that filetype for the current Build It is taken from the build.gbs file and contains all settings until the first % or $ argument. Same analogy for GBS_AUDIT_type Layout
For every Non-GBS SubSystem type there is a slightly different subsys.gbs file.The 'switch' on action (cleanup_bld, gen, make, cleanup_aud or audit) is the same for all, but the contents of the 'cases' will differ. Refer to example below. Notes:
Example of a subsys.gbs.bat:
@ECHO OFF ::============================================================================= :: [%SUBSYS%] subsys.gbs.bat :: Requires 1 parameter: action :: Called to cleanup, gen, make or audit a non-GBS SubSystem :: For 'make' SubSystems ::============================================================================= :: :: Currently in $GBS_SYSTEM_PATH/dev/$GBS_SUBSYS :: Applicable EnvVars: :: GBS_BUILD :: GBS_BUILD_PLUGIN :: GBS_BUILD_PLUGIN_PATH ('make' or 'Other') :: GBS_BUILD_PLUGIN_BIN_PATH ('make' or 'Other') :: GBS_BUILD_src_type ('make' or 'Other') :: GBS_AUDIT_PLUGIN (for Audit only) :: GBS_AUDIT_PLUGIN_PATH (for Audit only) ('make' or 'Other') :: GBS_AUDIT_PLUGIN_BIN_PATH (for Audit only) ('make' or 'Other') :: GBS_AUDIT_src_type (for Audit only) ('make' or 'Other') :: :: Available EnvVars: :: GBS_SYSTEM_PATH :: GBS_SUBSYS :: GBS_SUBSYS_PATH :: GBS_AUDIT_PATH :: GBS_BUILD_PATH :: GBS_APP_PATH :: :: GBS_MAKE make_command :: GBS_IGNORE_ERRORS 0 | 1 :: GBS_MODE FINAL | ASSERT | DEBUG | PROFILING :: GBS_OPT YES | SPEED | SIZE | DEBUG | NO :: GBS_DEBUGGER NO | YES :: GBS_MAP NO | YES :: :: GBS_BLD_src_type primary_output_type> :: GBS_SYSFLAGS_src_type :: GBS_FLAGS_src_type also contains flags resulting from MODE, OPT, DEBUGGER and MAP :: GBS_SYSINCS_src_type :: GBS_INCS_src_type :: :: GBS_MAKE_FLAGS '-i' if GBS_IGNORE_ERRORS == TRUE :: ::============================================================================= setlocal set rc=0 set action=%1 :: :: Adjust for proper actions :: Just one to a few lines per action. Keep it simple. Do not try to be clever. :: Do not forget to set rc to proper exit value (0=success, >0=fail) :: if [%action%] == [cleanup_bld] goto CASE_CLEANUP_BLD if [%action%] == [gen] goto CASE_GEN if [%action%] == [make] goto CASE_MAKE if [%action%] == [cleanup_aud] goto CASE_CLEANUP_AUD if [%action%] == [audit] goto CASE_AUDIT goto CASE_DEFAULT :: :: CLEANUP_BLD :: :CASE_CLEANUP_BLD echo SUBSYS.GBS_: ** SubSys=%GBS_SUBSYS% - Build=%GBS_BUILD% - Action=%action% :: <== add your command(s) to execute the bld_cleanup here and remove these lines. :: Do not forget to set rc to proper exit value (0=success, >0=fail) :: <== Probably something like: %GBS_MAKE% clean -f -i set rc=%ERRORLEVEL% goto CASE_END :CASE_GEN :: :: GEN :: echo SUBSYS.GBS_: ** SubSys=%GBS_SUBSYS% - Build=%GBS_BUILD% - Action=%action% :: <== add your command(s) to execute the gen here and remove these lines. :: Do not execute the 'clean' in this command. :: Do not forget to set rc to proper exit value (0=success, >0=fail) :: <== Probably something like: %GBS_MAKE% -f -B -k %GBS_MAKE_FLAGS% set rc=%ERRORLEVEL% goto CASE_END :CASE_MAKE :: :: MAKE :: echo SUBSYS.GBS_: ** SubSys=%GBS_SUBSYS% - Build=%GBS_BUILD% - Action=%action% :: <== add your command(s) to execute the make here and remove these lines. :: Do not forget to set rc to proper exit value (0=success, >0=fail) :: <== Probably something like: %GBS_MAKE% -f %GBS_MAKE_FLAGS% set rc=%ERRORLEVEL% goto CASE_END :CASE_CLEANUP_AUD :: :: CLEANUP_AUD :: echo SUBSYS.GBS_: ** SubSys=%GBS_SUBSYS% - Build=%GBS_BUILD% - Audit=%GBS_AUDIT% - Action=%action% :: <== add your command(s) to execute the audit_cleanup here and remove these lines. :: Do not forget to set rc to proper exit value (0=success, >0=fail) :: <== Probably something like: %GBS_MAKE% clean -f -i set rc=%ERRORLEVEL% goto CASE_END :CASE_AUDIT :: :: AUDIT :: echo SUBSYS.GBS_: ** SubSys=%GBS_SUBSYS% - Build=%GBS_BUILD% - Audit=%GBS_AUDIT% - Action=%action% :: <== add your command(s) to execute the gbssubaudit.bat here and :: remove these lines. :: Do not forget to set rc to proper exit value (0=success, >0=fail) :: <== Probably something like: :: %GBS_MAKE% -f -B -k %GBS_MAKE_FLAGS% echo SUBSYS.GBS_: No audits for non-GBS SubSystems set rc=%ERRORLEVEL% goto CASE_END :CASE_DEFAULT :: :: DEFAULT :: echo SUBSYS.GBS_: ***FATAL ERROR*** echo - Invalid action '%action%'. Must be one of (cleaunp_bld gen make cleanup_aud audit) set rc=9 goto CASE_END :CASE_END endlocal & set rc=%rc% exit /B %rc% :::EOF::: |